Discover the Joy of Spending Less, Sharing More, and Living Generously
We are beyond excited to announce the publication of our first book ever, Buy Nothing, Get Everything: Discover the Joy of Spending Less, Sharing More and Living Generously on April 14 of 2020 by Atria Books of Simon & Schuster.
We’ve been friends for over a dozen years, and we’ve spent those years conducting citizen scientist surveys of watershed and marine plastic pollution, running zero waste living experiments on ourselves and our families, leading waste audits in classrooms, making art from salvaged beach plastics, digging through dumpsters to divert useful items back into use, and creating an international network of local gift economies called the Buy Nothing Project. We’ve put everything we’ve learned through all of this, including the core tenets of our Buy Nothing philosophy we've developed along the way, into a book because we want to empower you to join us.
This book about sharing creatively offers an action plan that will bring each of us more happiness and connection to our communities as we buy less and live generously. This is not about denying ourselves the pleasures of life in order to save the planet, it’s about finding new ways to get everything we want and need while lowering our impact on the environment.
Please follow along here and get ready to dive into Buying Nothing and Getting Everything.
A portion of royalties will go to scientists and organizations developing action plans to address climate change. Click here to visit the book’s official page at Simon & Schuster for more information and to preorder your copy today.
Looking forward, Liesl Clark & Rebecca Rockefeller
Authors of Buy Nothing, Get Everything
Co-founders of the Buy Nothing Project